Saturday, April 16, 2011

Character Observation

Good Evening Dear Readers....

When out in public, whether it is at a family dinner at a restaurant, shopping, at the beach, or my favorite place Pub Night with some of my dearest friends, one of my favorite things to do is people watch. Now there are entire websites that are devoted to people watching, such as: and all I can say on that is wow....
I have watched engagements occur, babies being announced, first dates, and some seriously ugly break-ups that included food and beverage being tossed around.

So tonight's Q&A is on people watching. What is the best or worst, entertaining or down right bizarre, what is your favorite people watching story? What made you stop mid sentence and gawk or silently stare and the applaud? As a girl who was proposed to in a public restaurant, (very embarrassing by the way...Guys the public venue is NOT the way to go!!!!) I know that we were applauded. So take a moment, think about your favorites and do share with the rest of our readers.

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